Friday, December 21, 2012

Nintendo DS Becomes World's Best Selling Video Game Console ...

Sony Corp.?s PlayStation 2 was one of the most advanced and feature-rich game platforms of all times and until recently it was also the world?s best-selling game console of all times. However, Nintendo?s DS, which is still available after over a year since the new-generation 3DS debut recently managed to outsell the legend and now ranks as the world?s most popular game system ever.

According to VGChartz web-site, which monitors sales of video game hardware and software using reports and data from leading-edge market trackers, life-to-date sales of Nintendo DS totaled 153.69 million recently, whereas LTD shipments of Sony PS2 totaled 153.68 million. Considering that both consoles remain on the market in many countries, they may continue to swap places going forward, but they will unlikely be challenged anytime soon as the only alive platform approaching 100 million unit sales is Nintendo Wii with 98.05 million units sold so far.

While the launch of Nintendo 3DS, the successor of the DS, was rather bumpy, its life-to-date sales are 24.35 million, just a little lower than global unit shipments of the original Microsoft Xbox (24.65 million) throughout its lifespan and well ahead of that of Nintendo GameCube (21.74 million).

Nowadays both portable and non-portable game consoles are challenged by smartphones, tablets and cloud video game streaming services. In the coming years the competition will get even more intense, therefore, it is unlikely that future game consoles will be able to reach sales of 100 ? 150 million during their life-cycle.

Nintendo did not comment on the news-story.

Tags: Nintendo, DS, 3DS, Wii, Xbox, Playstation

Comments currently: 8
Discussion started: 12/19/12 02:01:03 PM
Latest comment: 12/20/12 08:06:46 AM
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VGChartz hasn't updated PS2 figures in over a year, despite the fact its still selling. As of March 2012 Sony said it has shipped 155.1 million, and it continues to sell, particularly in poorer markets, whereas Nintendo has said that it has shipped 153.69 million as of 8 Dec 12. So I think VGChartz article is premature at least.


Cool I must wonder how much mine must be worth as it is one of the earliest batches (pre-order) the year it first came out.


sega saturn beat out dreamcat? wow dreamcast was a way better console then saturn was.

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N64 was better than the Wii and sold 3x less! I don't think sales are necessarily indicative of how good the console is in terms of exclusives, etc. Also, the SNES killed Genesis in sales but in terms of quality games and overall console quality, it wasn't as bad as their respective sales show. Both of those consoles were awesome. And of course the obvious, Wii outselling PS3/360...

N64 was better than the Wii and sold 3x less!

You must be kidding. Wii games are far better than N64.

Personally I think the N64 had far better games for its time. At least I enjoyed my N64 way more than I have ever enjoyed my Wii.

A lot of enjoyment out of my N64 simply comes from good memories and nostalgia, something my Wii doesn't have yet and I doubt it'll ever have.



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